Our industry publication is the perfect communication vehicle for our association, its members and partners. By advertising in the BSIA News Magazine, you are securing a presence for your company in the primary building supply magazine in BC, which is read by the purchasing decision-makers in our industry. The BSIA News Magazine is also a great vehicle for inserting your business advertising material such as brochures and flyers.
The key element driving the value of the BSIA News Magazine is a comprehensive and targeted distribution plan. The magazine reaches the key decision makers at the right time and contains the right information to facilitate the purchasing decision. The BSIA News Magazine is distributed 4 times a year to all BSIA members, consisting of retailers and related suppliers, wholesalers and manufacturer companies.
The BSIA News Magazine team can facilitate the creation of professional looking adverts for non-agency clients.
In the event of cancellation of a contract, the client agrees to repay BSIA any discounts granted for multiple insertions less discount applicable for the number of insertions completed in the contract period. All premium positions are non-cancellable. All cancellations must be received in writing prior to the advertising sales deadline.
To advertise please contact the BSIA office at 604-513-2205.